Trent Staggs Calls on John Curtis to Apologize to Utahns, Condemn Super PAC Lies

Riverton, UT – Rep. John Curtis’ Super PAC “Conservative Values for Utah” – largely funded by climate change activist and mega-millionaire Jay Faison – has decided to start spending a fortune spreading blatant lies designed to mislead Utah voters. Trent Staggs released the following statement:

“From the minute I launched my campaign, I’ve spent every single day meeting Utahns, calling out the ways in which D.C. is failing Utah, and being honest about how we need to fundamentally change Washington. Even when it’s not popular, I’ve stood for what’s right and what’s in the best interest of Utahns.

The time has come for Rep. John Curtis to do the same.

If John Curtis is committed to making this race a battle of ideas and standing for the truth instead of blatant falsehoods, then he will call on his Super PAC to stop lying to Utahns.

The people of Utah deserve better than the Washington antics that Curtis and his allies are currently engaged in. This is not how we do things in Utah, and now more than ever, Utahns deserve better than John Curtis’ Washington values. Now is the time for John Curtis to put his constituents first, and stand for the truth. The people of Utah are listening, and right now his silence is deafening.”

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